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Involved překlad

Pavel Hrejsemnou
involve překlad z češtiny do angličtiny – Seznam Slovník

en (11) ‘person involved’ means the owner, a member of the crew, the operator of the aircraft involved in an accident or serious incident; any person involved in the maintenance, design, manufacture of that aircraft or in the training of its crew; any person involved in the provision of air traffic control, flight information or aerodrome services, who have provided services for the aircraft; staff of the national …

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Collins Online Dictionary | Definitions, Thesaurus and involved překlad

If everyone involved paid their debts on time, the European economy would receive a cash injection worth EUR 300 billion. Kdyby každý zúčastněný platil včas, evropské hospodářství by dostalo finanční injekci v hodnotě 300 miliard EUR.

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The largest EU Member State involved in the G20 sits there representing an economic potential of only 82 million people. Největší členský stát EU zahrnutý do G20 tam zastupuje ekonomický potenciál pouze 82 …

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Collins is a major publisher of Educational, Language and Geographic content, and have been publishing innovative, inspiring and informative books for over 200 years. Collins online dictionary and reference resources draw on the wealth of reliable and authoritative information about language, thanks to the extensive use of our corpora - vast databases of language - both in English and in other

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Rychlý překlad slova involved do češtiny, výslovnost, tvary a příklady užití. Anglicko-český slovník zdarma.

involve - překlad do češtiny | slovník

en (11) ‘person involved’ means the owner, a member of the crew, the operator of the aircraft involved in an accident or serious incident; any person involved in the maintenance, design, manufacture of that aircraft or in the training of its crew; any person involved in the provision of air traffic control, flight information or aerodrome services, who have provided services for the aircraft; staff of the national …

Involve v Češtině, překlad, Angličtino-Čeština Slovník

New behavioral targeting tools . Base your marketing on what your customers do, not just who they are. Turn in-app activity into relevant messages based on audience behavior.

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Navrhnout jako překladinvolved“ in favour of former prisoners of war on the ground that the applicant did not hold the nationality of the Member State involved when the application was made, but that of another Member State.

Kolik měsíců má rok?

  Pavel Hrejsemnou

  Stolařská 447/7
  747 14 Ludgeřovice

  IČ: 497 95 783

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